Customer Service

How do I cancel my Cineville Pass?

Permanent cancellation

Would you like to permanently cancel your membership? We are very sorry to hear that! If so, please keep in mind the minimum membership period of four fully paid calendar months. The minimum notice period is one full calendar month, with membership expiring on the last day of the next calendar month. For example, if you cancel your membership on Sept. 22, your membership will be terminated on Oct. 31.

To cancel your membership, send an e-mail to We will process your request as soon as possible.

Temporary cancellation

You may temporarily cancel your Cineville Pass on one month's notice for up to 6 months. Temporarily discontinuing if you are still in the minimum term of four full calendar months is unfortunately not possible.

To temporarily discontinue your membership, please send an email to We will process your request as soon as possible.


You should always receive confirmation of your termination. If you do not receive a confirmation, then your termination request has probably not been processed and is therefore not valid. It is best to contact in this case.

Still no answer to your question?

You can also send an email to We usually respond within a few hours.

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